Near Brooklyn, NY 11221
Kage M
Job Details: 02/15/2021
KITCHEN WHIRLPOOL WDT730PAHB0 Checked and found control and user interface faulty; ordrng 1 W11367678 (Control oane) and 1 W11367678 (Control board)
Near Brooklyn, NY 11219
Wayne D
Job Details: 02/15/2021
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF535SWHZ00 Unit needs new water valve ; ordrng 1 WPW10420083
Near Clifton, NJ 07013
Roberto C
Job Details: 02/15/2021
DRYER WHIRLPOOL NTW4516FW3 Room s109 damage housing needs 2m 2cc Monday close; saved tckt
Near Clifton, NJ 07011
Roberto C
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW7000DW4 Needs water pump customer must remove washer from little bathroom no room to work pictures on record 2cc; ordrng 1 W10876600 (drain pump)
Near Lyndhurst, NJ 07071
Gabino P
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER MAYTAG MVWP575GW0 Call tech support claim number 7730000736 talk robert That say washer is ok reset main boar washer working ok
Near Queens, NY 11385
Kenny G
Job Details: 02/15/2021
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WGD9200SQ1 Found idler pulley making noise will order ; ordrng 1 279640 (Roller wheel)
Near Newark, NJ 07105
Gabino P
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW3 Replace motor actuator wires and Che ok
Near Queens, NY 11385
Kenny G
Job Details: 02/15/2021
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS571CIHZ01 Diffuser making noise will order and replace defective part ; ordrng 1 W10869522 (Diffuser)
Near Eatontown, NJ 07724
Eric P.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW6120HC0 "Ep-unit has a scrapping/screeching sound at the start of the spin cycle-replicated in testing. Removed washplate and tub ring to inspect for debris-clear. Removed motor/pulley cover- clear. Ordering (1) W11423758 gearcase,(1) W11218170 washer,(1) W11183985 nut-spaner,(1)extra time; ordrng 1 EXTRATIME and 1 W11183985 (NUT-SPANER) and 1 W11218170 (WASHER) and 1 W11423758 (GEARCASE)"
Near New York, NY 10022
Adrian R.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
DRYER WHIRLPOOL MGDX655DW2 Check and found that the timer motor is defective and not advancing.; ordrng 1 Wpw10642928
Near New York, NY 10017
Adrian R.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
M/W OTR WHIRLPOOL WMH53520CS2 Check and found that the door switches is defective.; ordrng 1 W10727360 and 1 W10269460
Near Brooklyn, NY 11236
Damion M.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW5620HW0 Check washer and found unit giving error code F8E1 long fill I check washer hot and cold valve twice and water flow correctly cus said plumbing was going on downstairs which may have cause issue instruct cus left unit working has design...
Near New York, NY 10003
Adrian R.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
ICEMAKER WHIRLPOOL KUIX505ESS2 Check and found that the circulation pump is defective. (2 counts)Customer phone number (917)4767877; ordrng 1 W11325175
Near New York, NY 10014
Adrian R.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
RANGE WHIRLPOOL MET8800FZ01 Check and found that the top element knob is broken and need to be replace ; ordrng 1 W11132201
Near Brooklyn, NY 11232
Wayne D
Job Details: 02/15/2021
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS571CIHZ01 "Customer needs new water filter, filter clogged"
Near Roxbury Township, NJ 07876
Frank G.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER WHIRLPOOL MVW7230HW0 Replaced defective control and checked... ran diagnostics and recalibrated control
Near Vernon Valley, NJ 07418
Clayton G.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC565FW1 Unit has multiple wash motor and control fault. Two counts on return; ordrng 1 W10913953 (actuator) and 1 W11162438 (CONTROL ) and 1 W11283592 (MOTOR) and 1 W11395618 (CAP) and 1 WPW10006384 (drive belt)
Near Brooklyn, NY 11234
Damion M.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
RANGE KITCHENAID KSGG700ESS1 Check range and found when put to bake 350 even after cancel the still keeps getting hot advise cus not use ...need parts pls order thank you...; ordrng 1 W10814133 (bezel-knob) and 1 W11029431 (panl-cntrl) and 1 W11034208 (cntrl-elec)
Near Tabernacle, NJ 08088
Marc C
Job Details: 02/15/2021
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX735SDHZ00 Tested unit found chemical reaction between aluminum doorhandles and stainless panels bubbling when oxidation where handle bolts to door gaskets torn also needs doors and gaskets 3 CC on returnon return. $. 226.45 due on return; ordrng 2 W10830274 (gasket-fip)s and 2 W10874805 (handle)s and 1 W11045125 (handle) and 1 W11045125 (handle) and 1 W11104466 (dor-fip) and 1 W11104477 (dor-fip) and 1 W11104491 (dor-fip) and 1 W11104495 (dor-fip) and 1 W11223753 (EMBLIM) and 1 WPW10443326 (gasket-fip) and 1 WPW10714545 (gasket-fip)
Near New York, NY 10010
Adrian R.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT518SZFM00 "Check and found that the Home Depot delivery guys didnt remove the packing foams from inside the refrigerator compartment, which causes the refrigerator door not to close properly. Remove the foam from inside the refrigerator compartment, leave the both doors closing properly."
Near New York, NY 10009
Adrian R.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER WHIRLPOOL n/a Check and found that the washer is working fine. Dont see any model nor serial number.
Near New York, NY 10007
Adrian R.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
REFRIG/FREEZER WHIRLPOOL ED2FHEXSS00 "Replace the water inlet tubing, leave working properly."
Near Brooklyn, NY 11235
Paul D
Job Details: 02/15/2021
LAUNDRY WHIRLPOOL WFW87HEDC1 Super apt. Needs drain pump and latch ass. Will order ; ordrng 1 WPW10443885 (door lock) and 1 WPW10605427 (pump-water)
Near New York, NY 10075
Eddy P.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW7600XW2 Replaced dispenser hoses for the detergents washer is working fine
Near Ridgewood, NJ 07450
Stoyan S
Job Details: 02/15/2021
RANGE KITCHEN AID KSG900ESS4 Cntrl panel F2E1 Reset unit Error comes back Order new console ; ordrng 1 W10913685 (panl-cntrl)
Near Brooklyn, NY 11203
Damion M.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS526SIAH00 Check refrigerator and found unit leaks from inside of the filter housing broken air diffuser ...need parts pls order unit has to be defrost before we come back ...; ordrng 1 W11177624 (diffuser) and 1 WPW10238092 (tube-water) and 1 WPW10238123 (housing)
Near Queens, NY 11385
Kenny G
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER WHIRLPOOL MVWX655DW1 Found issue with hub and inner tub. Screws stripped will order and replace also splutch ; ordrng 1 W10006354 (Splutch) and 1 W10586077 (Inner tub) and 1 W10396887 (Hub) and 10 8533953 (Screws)s
Near Brooklyn, NY 11234
Damion M.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER WHIRLPOOL MVWB765FC3 Check washer and found unit giving LF and makes a grinding sound in drain I check found penny in pump I repair that issues found no hot water coming pipe instruct cus she a plumber left unit working has design...
Near Warwick, NY 10990
Clayton G.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
RANGE MAYTAG MER8700DE1 W10779716Unit needs bake element$63.99standard labor 0<300 ; ordrng 1 W10779716 (elmnt-bake)
Near Kiryas Joel, NY 10950
Clayton G.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC465HW2 Unit needs drain pump. W10919003 $161.95Labor 85.00Trip 125.95standard labor 0<300 ; ordrng 1 W10919003 (pump-water)
Near Brooklyn, NY 11226
Omar S
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW4800XQ4 Installed suspension test ok...
Near Brooklyn, NY 11207
Kage M
Job Details: 02/15/2021
DISHWASHER MAYTAG MDB4949SDZ0 03 customer will have to reschedule when she get in contact with landlord no model and serial tags on unit
Near Brooklyn, NY 11224
Paul D
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC400XW4 Found no problem with washer at this time tested ok
Near Brooklyn, NY 11235
Paul D
Job Details: 02/15/2021
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL KBFS20EVMS13 Found appliance bulb in ref section blown out advised customer light bulb are not covered
Near Monroe Township, NJ 08831
Trevor B
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW8620HC2 TB- Installed new control and UI assy. Tests good.
Near Brooklyn, NY 11237
Enerve B.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW1 "Checked out the washer,founded the failure of the control electronic,power issue, improper used. Cleared the control electronic,switched the outlet,recalibrated,tested ok on a full cycles."
Near Eatontown, NJ 07724
Eric P.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL KRFF707ESS01 "Ep-unit has frozen evaporator and cover preventing drawer from closing. Cleared enough of the buildup to allow drawer closure. Ordering (1) W11211387 cover-evap,(1) WPW10277799 harns-wire,(2)extra time to defrost; ordrng 2 EXTRATIMEs and 1 W11211387 (cover-evap) and 1 WPW10277799 (harns-wire)"
Near Queens, NY 11357
Kenny G
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5800BW0 Found inner drum warped will order and replace. ; ordrng 1 W10521298 (Inner drum) and 1 W10396887 (Hub)
Near Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07677
Stoyan S
Job Details: 02/15/2021
VENT HOOD KITCHENAID KVWB406DSS2 Ck unit need cntrl elec Order new; ordrng 1 W11244048 (BLOWER) and 1 WPW10727063 (cntrl-elec)
Near Queens, NY 11355
Kenny G
Job Details: 02/15/2021
REFRIG/FREEZER WHIRLPOOL WZF56R16DW04 Found no abnormal sounds. Everything is working ok.
Near Monroe, NY 10950
Clayton G.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT518SZFM00 Wpw10507886Replace compressor kit and process valve. Process valve replaced off of truck stock 876764Replace compressor kit unit tests OK; used 1 876764 (VALVE) from stock
Near Woodbury, NY 10930
Clayton G.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE204EPA0 Units racks are sliding out on their own due to the fact that the unit is leveled extremely far forward and counter to the left. Unit needs to be installed stable true and level to be operated normally. This install is so crooked customer is advised not to use the dishwasher until this is installed correctly by someone who is capable of performing the task of leveling and installing a dishwasher. Such as a handyman or plumber or a kitchen repair person.
Near Old Bridge, NJ 08857
Dennis B
Job Details: 02/15/2021
DRYER - ELECTRIC AMANA NED4655EW1 Db unit isn’t heating unit needs following parts; ordrng 1 279816 (thermal cut off hi) and 1 WP3392519 (thermal fuse)
Near Matawan, NJ 07747
Dennis B
Job Details: 02/15/2021
LAUNDRY WHIRLPOOL WTW7300DW1 Db lid is broke unit needs following parts ; ordrng 1 W11101059 (lid)
Near Marlboro, NJ 07746
Dennis B
Job Details: 02/15/2021
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL KDTE334GPS0 Db drain was unplugged reinstalled harness tested unit unit ran to specs
Near Aberdeen Township, NJ 07747
Dennis B
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER/DRYER WHIRLPOOL WETLV27FW0 "Db unit needs following parts unit is combo in closet ; ordrng 1 279640 (pulley,idler) and 1 WPW10359272 (shaft)"
Near New York, NY 10024
Clem S.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL GD2SHAXNS00 "Replaced parts and clean coil ,test good"
Near Brielle, NJ 08730
Tyler S
Job Details: 02/15/2021
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX735SDHZ02 "Installed mullion, unit has warped door. Customer showed me a video of unit not dispensing water with doors fully closed. Left hand door is warped. Order left hand door. Also order left hand refrigerator door switch. Ordering shims to be placed on freezer door to make sure freezer switch is being contacted properly. Allow three job counts because of install and swapping UI and dispenser parts to new door. No TY on return, see attention notes.; ordrng 1 W11307224 (LEFT DOOR) and 1 W11396033 (SWITCH) and 2 WP2177331 (SHIM)s"
Near Brick Township, NJ 08724
Tyler S
Job Details: 02/15/2021
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WGD95HEXW1 "Lint screen housing is warped not allowing lint screen to go in all the way, order.; ordrng 1 W10906551 (HOUSING)"
Near Rochelle Park, NJ 07662
Roberto C
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER MAYTAG MVWX655DW1 Needs control customer refuse estimate will go for a new washer machine
Near Ridgewood, NJ 07450
Roberto C
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER MAYTAG MVW7230HW0 Tested and found home drain pipe to the washer machine clog customer must call a plumber washer check ok
Near Marlboro, NJ 07751
Dennis B
Job Details: 02/15/2021
LAUNDRY MAYTAG MVWX655DW2 Db tested unit unit ran to specs could not duplicate at this time
Near New York, NY 10021
Eddy P.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
DRYER WHIRLPOOL MED8200FW0 Replaced pulley ran test dryer is working fine now. Unit needs a new hinge ; ordrng 1 WPW10208415 (HINGE)
Near Kearny, NJ 07032
Keyel H
Job Details: 02/15/2021
REFRIGERATOR JENN-AIR JS48PPDUDB20 Shaft is not making contact with the ice bucket order parts bbeeded.; ordrng 1 W10271509 (MOTOR ) and 1 W11348580 (BIN) and 1 WP2318082 (SHAFT) and 1 WPA3073101 (LIGHT BULB)
Near Lacey Township, NJ 08734
Frank C
Job Details: 02/15/2021
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDT730PAHZ0 Replaced faulty adjustable upper rack components
Near Jersey City, NJ 07304
Gabino P
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER MAYTAG MHW6630HC0 2 CCT NEED MAIN BOAR ETC Found code F4E3 F8E1 F5E2 F5E3 F9E1 F0E2 F8E1 ; ordrng 1 W11322883 (CONTROL ELECTRONIC) and 1 W11316250 (LACHT) and 1 W11458345 (WATER PUMP) and 1 W11316255 (VALVE) and 1 W11316256 (WATER VALVE COLD)
Near Spring Lake, NJ 07762
Eric P.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDT750SAHZ0 Ep-broken wheel on upper right rack. Repaired with adjuster from truck stock (W10712395); used 1 W10712395 (ADJUSTER) from stock
Near New York, NY 10029
Damian T.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
OVEN WHIRLPOOL WGG555S0BS00 "Replaced upper oven bake ignitor, rechecked functions and unit tested ok."
Near Aberdeen Township, NJ 07747
Dennis B
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW560CHW0 Db ran unit no sounds in high spin customer noticed a rattling sound change or a button in between drum and tub informed him it will work its way out didn’t hear anything when unit was running
Near Passaic, NJ 07055
Efrain R.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW4955HW1 Whirlpool sent customer hub and gearcase replace cam trans hub tesred ok.
Near Neptune City, NJ 07753
Tyler S
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5105HW0 "Lubricated cam pulley with oil and around motor pulley, was screeching bad when going into spin. Ran manual spin and no longer screeching."
Near Queens, NY 11357
Kenny G
Job Details: 02/15/2021
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL KRMF706ESS01 Inspected unit and found low water pressure due to bad filter. Advised customer to use unit without filter for a few days
Near Freehold, NJ 07728
Vincent D
Job Details: 02/15/2021
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDTA50SAHZ Vd unit needs motor/sump (W11087376) ; ordrng 1 W11087376 (pump&motor)
Near Queens, NY 11362
Kenny G
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW7800XW0 Found unit working as designed. Not level advised to have professionally leveled.
Near Garden City Park, NY 11040
Kenny G
Job Details: 02/15/2021
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS321SDHZ01 Installed diffuser. Tested ok
Near Freehold, NJ 07728
Vincent D
Job Details: 02/15/2021
COOKTOP JENN-AIR JIC4536XS00 Vd tested unit found no issues at this time could not duplicate issue
Near New York, NY 10021
Damian T.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW96HEAW0 "Arrived and found flood stop device connected to water supply activated, shutting water supply off to unit. Checked unit, activated and ran diagnostics and unit showed no leaks. With no evidence of water ever been on or around flood device sensor, I advised client to hire a plumber to replace device. Left unit working as designed"
Near Queens, NY 11691
Mike D
Job Details: 02/15/2021
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS321SDHZ01 Check found filter housing defective will order ; ordrng 1 W11162042 (Housing)
Near New York, NY 10065
Damian T.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED94HEAW1 Checked and found unit has a defective drive motor. Client paying only diagnostics fees at this time and will call back if they need repairs completed.
Near Bloomfield, NJ 07003
Ken K
Job Details: 02/15/2021
REFRIG/FREEZER JENN-AIR JFX2897DRP02 "3 count call sealed system job, needs RC evaporator ; ordrng 1 W11116006 (evaporator) and 1 8201675 (compressor)"
Near Monroe Township, NJ 08831
Trevor B
Job Details: 02/15/2021
DISHWASHER JENN-AIR JDTSS246GL0 "TB- Re-secured upper rack tines. Tests good, no functional issues found."
Near Barnegat Township, NJ 08005
Marc C
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WGTLV27HW0 Tested unit no codes and diagnostics Customer using water on normal cycle the lowest water setting the temperature difference at first customer to use it on deep water wash with bulky tested hot water scolding hot
Near Pearl River, NY 10965
Tim S
Job Details: 02/15/2021
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WEG745H0FS0 Replaced defective manifold ;
Near Stafford Township, NJ 08050
Marc C
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5005KW0 Tested unit and diagnostics no crowds present customers complaint drain hose hitting wall during high speed spin and drain advise customer to put foam around hose so it doesn’t bang against wall tested unit OK
Near Clifton, NJ 07013
Efrain R.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFG540HOES1 Replace all base and caps tested ok.harness not needed.
Near Stafford Township, NJ 08092
Marc C
Job Details: 02/15/2021
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDT730PAHZ0 Tested unit found top rail rack stops not installed properly reinstalled rack stops tested unit OK
Near Robbinsville Township, NJ 08691
Trevor B
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER WHIRLPOOL MVWB865GW0 TB- Installed new lid assy. Tests good. Paid balance $461.48 by cc.
Near Queens, NY 11417
Mike D
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC465HW1 Check found screen on inlet valve clogged up cleaned out screen advise customer not to overload and to keep load balance unit checked ok
Near Montclair, NJ 07042
Ken K
Job Details: 02/15/2021
REFRIG/FREEZER WHIRLPOOL KRFF507ESS01 "Replaced RC evaporator due to Freon leak and compressor, vacuum tested and refilled unit; used 1 978025 (VALVE), and 1 WPW10143759 (Dye dyer) from stock"
Near Caldwell, NJ 07006
Ken K
Job Details: 02/15/2021
REFRIG/FREEZER WHIRLPOOL KRFF300ESS01 Replaced right side RC door due to broken hinge
Near Ringwood, NJ 07456
Tim S
Job Details: 02/15/2021
N/A N/A MGD6600TQ0 Unit was dismantled by customer/ control board taken out / Pictures available/ No service per DV .
Near Nanuet, NY 10954
Tim S
Job Details: 02/15/2021
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS571CIHZ01 Replaced defective housing
Near Clark, NJ 07066
Efrain R.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5095KW0 Replaced pt and reset control / tested pump / checked ok / towels were damp more on wet side/ customer not happy with product wants new/ if call back send a specialist /Job Cmpltd
Near Elizabeth, NJ 07208
Efrain R.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
DRYER MAYTAG MGDB835DW4 Customer states hard timeto start unit ordering panel.; ordrng 1 W1115847 (FASCIA )
Near East Rutherford, NJ 07073
Keyel H
Job Details: 02/15/2021
REFRIG/FREEZER WHIRLPOOL WRT318FZDM05 Unit is operating normal temps check ok instruct customer on temp settings and freezer settings.
Near Montville, NJ 07082
Frank G.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
DRYER WHIRLPOOL MGD5500FW0 "Fire in dryer...will need to be dismantled for thorough cleaning and replacement of Thermal fuse,thermal cutoff, High limit thermostat and idler pulley...also lubricating all 4 drum support rollersParts $135.42Labor $190.00Trip charge $124.95Sub total $450.37Tax $29.84Est.Total $480.21; ordrng 1 279640 (pulley,idler) and 1 3392519 (thermal fuse) and 1 WP3391912 (thermostat) and 1 WP8573713 (thermal cut off fuse)"
Near Wayne, NJ 07470
Frank G.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
DRYER MAYTAG MGD7230HW0 Suspect intermittent gas valve opening...order valve and return Will need 2 count on return as this is also a callback from 942660; ordrng 1 280119 (gas burner)
Near East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
Jose R
Job Details: 02/15/2021
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFE770H0FZ2 Found line 1 to terminal block shorted..need to replace main harness completely SR#7729992859; ordrng 1 W11134661 (harns-wire)
Near Weehawken, NJ 07086
Stoyan S
Job Details: 02/15/2021
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDT730PAHZ0 Replace defective motor pump and broken dispenser Test unit works as designed Advice customer unit has to be reinstalled (see pictures)
Near Aberdeen Township, NJ 07747
Dennis B
Job Details: 02/15/2021
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL MRT118FFFZ05 Db unit has control issue 31 degrees in ff ; ordrng 1 W11353815 (CONTROL )
Near West New York, NJ 07093
Keyel H
Job Details: 02/15/2021
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KFIV29PCMS03 Install part operating normal.
Near Queens, NY 11413
George T
Job Details: 02/15/2021
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRB329DMBM01 Part installed as listed.All features and functions test OK at this time.
Near Hopatcong, NJ 07843
Stan F
Job Details: 02/15/2021
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFE515SOJW0 Right front switch making electric noise will need new switch.; ordrng 1 Wp3149400 (Right front switch)
Near Westfield, NJ 07090
Efrain R.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
REFRIG/FREEZER WHIRLPOOL JS42NXFXDE01 3 wks ago was here to replace led lights.found 1 in frz section out and 1 in ff section out replace the frz and all lights came on. If call back order led brd if no separate brd for led brd order main control.; used 1 W11462342 (LED) from stock
Near Woodbridge Township, NJ 07095
Efrain R.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED4985EW0 Replace catch ok.
Near Cranford, NJ 07016
Efrain R.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL KDTE254ESS2 Found broken spring replaced / checked 0k ; used 1 WP8270020 (SPRING) from stock
Near Manalapan Township, NJ 07726
Vincent D
Job Details: 02/15/2021
DISHWASHER JENN-AIR JDTSS246GP0 Vd unit needs console (W11302461) control (W11308811) ; ordrng 1 W11302461 (console) and 1 W11308811 (cntrl-elec)
Near Allentown, NJ 08501
Trevor B
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW1 TB- Unit needs replacement water valve.; ordrng 1 W11210459 (WATER VALVE )
Near Cedar Grove, NJ 07009
Frank G.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER MAYTAG MVWP575GW0 Unit checked out ok...ran diagnostics and recalibrated control
Near Spring Lake, NJ 07762
Eric P.
Job Details: 02/15/2021
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW95HEDU0 Ep-torn bellow replaced with pre-id part