Near Little Ferry, NJ 07643
Gabino P
Job Details: 11/19/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC565FW1 Found code F5E2 F2E1 replace broken lock and reset main board and check ok.; used 1 W10838613 (LATCH) from stock
Near Jersey City, NJ 07302
Gabino P
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DRYER MAYTAG MGDX655DW2 Open dryer Cleaning blower and check ok
Near Asbury Park, NJ 07712
Chris H.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WDF540PADB3 "CH - unit is in a rental. Float came loose from bottom of tub and is melted around heating element - at minimum, unit needs new float and element. Spoke to property management company on phone, re oow charges. Per property management, call was set up through appliance brokers with no authorization for service fee charges. Unit has no registered dop - goods issue date puts oow. Property management company declined service at this time"
Near Boonton, NJ 07005
Efrain R.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDT730PAHO Replace ui tested ok wire came with ui
Near Tinton Falls, NJ 07753
Chris H.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
RANGE MAYTAG MGR6600FW1 CH - installed new manifold and bezels - tests good
Near Hawthorne, NJ 07506
Elmer A.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB835DW4 Installed suspension rods checked operation ok.
Near Hackensack, NJ 07601
Stoyan S
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DISHWASHER KITCHEN AID KDTE704DSS1 Replace defective parts Test it all op ok
Near New York, NY 10035
Eddy P.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
WASHER AMANA NTW4516FW3 Belt got a sock around it and popped off. Reinstalled now washer is working fine
Near Edgewater, NJ 07020
Lewis G.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW92HEFC0 Replaced drain pump assembly tested unit everything is working exactly how it should unit is repaired
Near Cliffside Park, NJ 07010
Lewis G.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDF520PADM7 Customer was receiving a leak from the middle front part of the door on dishwasher no error codes but the unit was forward causing the leak in front of the door leveled out unit tested unit on diagnostics and also on a heavy load real quick just to see if any water leaking leak issue has been resolved unit is repaired
Near Spring Lake, NJ 07762
Eric P.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
MICROWAVE IKEA IMBS104GSS00 "Ep-Installed new control, display is working properly"
Near Harrison, NY 10604
Jerel L
Job Details: 11/19/2019
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG MFW2055FRZ00 Installed new filter housing and water lines. Unit check ok
Near Ocean Township, NJ 07712
Eric P.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
RANGE MAYTAG MGT8800FZ00 Ep-removed bulb cover and re-Installed bulb. Machine functions as designed
Near Paramus, NJ 07652
Sam C
Job Details: 11/19/2019
REFRIG/FREEZER WHIRLPOOL KRFC704FSS00 Unit failed on ice box fan ice buildup order part customer will call KitchenAid ; ordrng 1 W10865318 (ICE BOX FAN)
Near Brooklyn, NY 11213
Paul D
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DISH WASHER WHILRPOOL WDT720PADM2 Wrong part sent out .part sent out is for a wall oven unit need for is for a d/w ; ordrng 1 W10815487 (panel-cntl)
Near Brooklyn, NY 11219
Wayne D
Job Details: 11/19/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS315SNHM01 Replaced control and thermistor
Near Robbinsville Township, NJ 08691
Trevor B
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL CED9160GW1 TB- Initially found UI non-responsive. Disconnected and reconnected wiring from UI power supply transformer to UI after which UI functionality resumed. Unit functions test good at this time.
Near Hamilton Township, NJ 08619
Trevor B
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WGD4815EW2 TB- Unit is short-cycling heat due to restricted exhaust vent. Took customer outside to where exhaust vent cap is and showed him that vent flap is not opening at all while dryer is running. Unit itself is working as designed. Advised customer to have venting issue resolved to correct issue.
Near Hamilton Township, NJ 08690
Trevor B
Job Details: 11/19/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS311SDHT01 "TB- Installed new evaporator fan, fan blade and grommet. Tests good."
Near New York, NY 10030
Kenly S
Job Details: 11/19/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF560SEYM04 check and I found nothing defective in the unit everything is working fine. but the customer needs to replace the water filter
Near Hamilton Township, NJ 08619
Trevor B
Job Details: 11/19/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW8500DC1 TB- Installed new drain pump. Tests good.
Near Teaneck, NJ 07666
Sam C
Job Details: 11/19/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHEN AID KSSC48FMS03 "Flushed lines,installed new compressor,evaporator,heater defrost,heat exchanger,heater pan,condenser fan motor,pressurized,vacuum charge,removed door skin installed new gasket heated and lube it,installed new ice door motor"
Near Brooklyn, NY 11215
Paul D
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DISHWASHER JENN AIR JDB2100AWS Checked unit found panel 6-919766 panel 176.27 gasket wp990033377. 90.00. + taxes 513.04=.
Near River Edge, NJ 07661
Stoyan S
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DISHWASHER JENN-AIR JDB9000CWP3 Replace broken adjuster and tracks Test it all op ok
Near New York, NY 10028
Damian T.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
WASHER WHILPOOL WFW6620HW0 Client’s complaint is that unit keeps showing a Lo Fl code. Checked and unit’s water supply being affected by a faulty floodstop device. Advised client to hire a plumber to rectify issue by replacing floodstop device.
Near New York, NY 10023
Eddy P.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL MLE2000AYW Replaced pulley and bracket ran test unit is working fine no more noises
Near Clark, NJ 07066
Roberto C
Job Details: 11/19/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW92HEFC0 Replace control and dispenser test ok
Near New York, NY 10032
Eddy P.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW1 Customer had only cold water connection and had selected hot water only. Unit wash not advancing cycles
Near Brooklyn, NY 11220
Omar S
Job Details: 11/19/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW7000DW4 No error code pass diagnostics test working as designed.
Near Rockaway, NJ 07866
Efrain R.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
OVEN WHIRLPOOL WFE505WOHS1 Replace block with new screws tested ok
Near Roxbury Township, NJ 07852
Efrain R.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
WALL OVEN KITCHEN-AID XCDE500ESS04 Took temp on both ovens and including convevt vake all reaching temp
Near Princeton, NJ 08540
Trevor B
Job Details: 11/19/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL GX5FHDXVY05 TB- Unit has low-side refrigerant leak. Gave customer estimate to install uv dye drier to determine if leak is ultimately repairable or not. Paid service charge $122.57 by cc ref# 1867437671.
Near Brooklyn, NY 11211
Enerve B.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
M/W OTR WHIRLPOOL WMH78019HW2 "Checked out the mw ,founded the failure of the improper setting.Rested the console,tested ok at 350 on convection bake and the mw,works as designed,notice that,the unit been used very often like a full oven at 400-450,but the customer still not satisfied with the product by using as a full oven."
Near New York, NY 10003
Clem S.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DISHWASHER IKEA IDT870SAGX0 "Found drain pump not on properly. Reinstalled drain pump, working as designed"
Near West Windsor Township, NJ 08550
Trevor B
Job Details: 11/19/2019
REFRIGERATOR JENN-AIR JFC2089HES "TB- Found deterioration to ice maker mould, allowing leaking to occur. Installed new ice maker. Tests good, no further leaking found at this time. Customer paid total $340.54 by check# 1030."
Near Jersey City, NJ 07302
Keyel H
Job Details: 11/19/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KBFS20EVMS13 Install drain tube defrost drain check ok.; used 1 W10619951 (grommet) from stock
Near Brooklyn, NY 11225
Paul D
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DISHWASHER JENN-AIR JDB9200CWP2 Found need additional part will order ; ordrng 1 W10546503 (adjuster)
Near Wayne, NJ 07470
Gerry Q
Job Details: 11/19/2019
OVEN WHIRLPOOL MGR6600FZ1 Right hinge replaced unit tested ok
Near Glen Head, NY 11545
Kenny G
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DISHWASHER MAYTAG MDB4949SDE1 "Found F6-E1 code stored , this is a float switch in open position error. Confirmed nothing under float switch at time of test and d/w fill executed with out issue. Then motor ran properly. Most likely item stuck under float switch mechanism and removed prior to visit. Unit working as designed."
Near North Bergen, NJ 07047
Keyel H
Job Details: 11/19/2019
Near Queens, NY 11360
Kenny G
Job Details: 11/19/2019
WALL OVEN WHIRLPOOL KSGG700ESS1 Found unit operating perfectly. Cooling fan runs even when bake option is turned off to cool cavity. Normal. Explained to customer.
Near Queens, NY 11360
Kenny G
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE104ESS1 I clogged drain for d/w and it’s working. Unit had slow drain.
Near The Bronx, NY 10475
Marc M
Job Details: 11/19/2019
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFG361LVS1 "Unit tested and checked cx declined estimate will replace unit.labor 90, part 232Taxes 34"
Near Toms River, NJ 08757
Marc C
Job Details: 11/19/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL GHW9100LW2 Tested unit found door bellow and fill hose worn out causing heavy leak; ordrng 1 W10902779 (clamp) and 1 WP8181747 (seal) and 1 WP8182119 (bellow) and 1 WP8182210 (clamp) and 1 WPW10005300 (hose)
Near Denville, NJ 07834
Clayton G.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL KUDP02FRSS1 Replaced listed part unit tests ok. Customer reminded unit leaning fwd needs to have install fixed.
Near New Rochelle, NY 10801
Marc M
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE254ESS2 Heater installed u it tested and checked ok unit ops well no issues detected after repair ops well.
Near Brooklyn, NY 11226
Paul D
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDF518SAFM0 Called whirlpool parts couldn’t find part needed gasket goes on the bottom of door linear . Whirlpool is out of stock to verify that liner has gasket on leak linear .whirlpool wouldn’t have part in stock until 12/12 /19
Near Roselle Park, NJ 07204
Karl G
Job Details: 11/19/2019
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFG320M0BW2 "KG 11/18 upon arrival check parts. Additional parts needed, spill grease covered bottom divider and burner also. Customer tested new oven racks and racks falls through when pressure is applied. Customer push down on rack and it falls through. Spoke to Robert@techline and Documented service he advised repairs must still be completed with all parts needed. 2CC File# 7726419063; ordrng 1 W10520269 (rail-base) and 1 W10670197 (baffle-btm) and 1 W11220387 (burnr-oven)"
Near Ocean Township, NJ 07712
Eric P.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
RANGE JENN-AIR JJW2430DP02 Ep-Installed new console(p#W11236887) that was shipped directly to customer. Confirmed software version of 14.00.00
Near New Rochelle, NY 10801
Marc M
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DISHWASHER MAYTAG MDB4949SHZ0 Motor replaced unit tested and checked no motor action tested and found board defective no voltage to board.board needed to complete re pair.; ordrng 1 W11225084 (ECB)
Near Tinton Falls, NJ 07724
Eric P.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
OVEN JENN-AIR JJW2430DP02 Ep-Installed new console(p#W11236887) shipped directly to customer. Confirmed software version of 14.00.00. Machine functions as designed
Near Toms River, NJ 08757
Marc C
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL GGW9200LW1 Tested unit found poor venting issues causing long dry advised customer to have dryer vent company clean vent
Near Saddle Brook, NJ 07663
Jesse F
Job Details: 11/19/2019
REF BOT/MT 25CF KITCHEN-AID KRMF706ESS01 "Replaced auger motor, shaft, and plate..."
Near Plumsted Township, NJ 08533
Robert D
Job Details: 11/19/2019
OVEN WHIRLPOOL WOD93EC0AS04 Ordering element. Oven cart and 2 man needed on return. Cust owes $174.87 on return. ; ordrng 1 WPW10546517 (BAKE ELEMENT )
Near Clifton, NJ 07012
Jesse F
Job Details: 11/19/2019
ICEMAKER KITCHENAID KSF26C4XYW03 "Checked unit. U.I. was in “Cooling Off” mode. Turned unit on. All operations ok, put through diagnostics, which checked ok. Customer stated unit not turned off by accident. Gave estimate to replace electronics($842.81, see picture on SD-Mobile). Customer will call back if they want repaired..."
Near Millstone, NJ 08510
Robert D
Job Details: 11/19/2019
N/A N/A n/a Unit has broken handle assm. Ordering parts. ; ordrng 1 8193882 (LATCH) and 2 WP8268540 (SPRING )s and 1 WP8269117 (HANDLE ) and 1 WP8269208 (THERMISTOR ) and 1 WP8524471 (ACTUATOR )
Near Village of Pelham, NY 10803
Wayne L
Job Details: 11/19/2019
RANGE KITCHENAID KSDG950ESS0 Check unit didn’t verify any issues unit working fine
Near Mount Vernon, NY 10552
Wayne L
Job Details: 11/19/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL MHW4200BW2 Check unit installed part that was order unit working fine
Near Millstone, NJ 08510
Robert D
Job Details: 11/19/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MHW6000XW2 "Unit has faulty MCU and door latch. Cust declined repair at this time. WP8183270 latch and WPW10374126 mcu needed if cust calls back for repair. Quoted $330.00 MCU, $120.00 latch and $90.00 labor."
Near Jackson Township, NJ 08527
Robert D
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDF330PAHB2 Replaced stop. Upper rack is secure. No further issue.
Near Scarsdale, NY 10583
Wayne L
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED9750WW0 "Check unit pulley and belt is broken,customer preferred a morning appointment ; ordrng 1 279640 (PULLEY ) and 1 661570V (BELT )"
Near Toms River, NJ 08753
Marc C
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDTA50SAHZ0 Installed sump and motor tested unit ok no leaks at time of service
Near Mamaroneck, NY 10543
Wayne L
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDFE204ESS3 Check unit motor sump is faulty ; ordrng 1 WPW10605058 (MOTOR SUMP )
Near Jackson Township, NJ 08527
Robert D
Job Details: 11/19/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF550CDHZ02 Replaced door. No further cosmetic issue.
Near Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660
Keyel H
Job Details: 11/19/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS321SDHZ01 "Ice maker was in the off position, cycled ok."
Near Union, NJ 07083
Arden D.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE334GPS0 "AD. Checked unit, found dented door panel. Ordering panel.; snapped 1 QuickPics"
Near Newark, NJ 07106
Arden D.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
KITCHEN WHIRLPOOL AMV2307PFS2 "AD. Checked unit, found faulty control and panel. Ordering parts.; ordrng 1 W10849846 (CONTROL ) and 1 W10890778 (CONTROL PANEL )"
Near Yonkers, NY 10703
Wayne L
Job Details: 11/19/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWX655DW0 "Check unit installed actuator and hub that faulty unit working fine ; used 1 W10528947 (HUB), and 1 W10913953 (ACTUATOR) from stock"
Near East Newark, NJ 07029
Arden D.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFG320M0BS3 "AD. Checked unit, found faulty burner heads. Ordering parts.; ordrng 2 WPW10515455 (BURNER HEAD )s"
Near Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522
Wayne L
Job Details: 11/19/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WHD560CHW1 Check unit didn’t verify any issues with unit all mechanical functions are working fine
Near Rye, NY 10580
Wayne L
Job Details: 11/19/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MHW8630HC0 "Check unit,unit soap counts was on 1 customer wants more soap to enter unit bring soap counts up for customer unit working fine"
Near The Bronx, NY 10465
Wayne L
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE334GPS0 "Check unit instruct customer to use the proper soap for unit,unit is working fine"
Near Queens, NY 11420
Mike D
Job Details: 11/19/2019
REFRIGERATOR JENN-AIR JB36NXFXRE00 Replaced defective switch unit checked ok
Near Brooklyn, NY 11212
Kage M
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WGD9150WW1 Checked and found then lint screen was clogged with lint which was decreasing dry time cleared lint from housing ran the unit flame stayed on for more than a minute unit working as designed no further repairs at this time
Near South Orange, NJ 07079
Arden D.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRB329DMBM "AD. Checked unit, found clogged icemaker chute. Cleared chute. Unit tested ok."
Near South Orange, NJ 07079
Arden D.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DRYER GAS WHIRLPOOL WGD5000DW3 AD. Replaced defective burner. Unit ok.
Near Nutley, NJ 07110
Arden D.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DRYER GAS MAYTAG MGDC465HW0 "AD. Checked unit, found vent route distance excessive. This is causing improper burner operation. Advised customer on venting measures. Unit ok."
Near Brooklyn, NY 11206
Enerve B.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL CAE2745FQ0 "Checked out the washer ,founded the failure of the parts listed below, not working right,will order.; ordrng 1 W11188527 (CONTROL UNIT) and 1 WPW10482836 (LID L)"
Near Katonah, NY 10536
Marc M
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DISHWASHER KITCHEN AID KDTE104ESS1 Part installed and tested
Near Oceanport, NJ 07757
Eric P.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRMF706ESS01 "Ep-Installed new switch, tested operation. Small 1-3 second delay before all water flow stops-unable to find any information on how fast that should stop. Adjusted water valve to slow pressure rate.Machine functions as designed"
Near Toms River, NJ 08757
Tyler S
Job Details: 11/19/2019
OVEN WHIRLPOOL WFG550S0HZ0 "Installed new door hinges, tests good."
Near Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591
Marc M
Job Details: 11/19/2019
WALL OVEN AMANA AER6303MFS2 Part installed unit tested and checked ok erc installed.
Near Lakewood Township, NJ 08701
Robert D
Job Details: 11/19/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MHW6000AW0 Replaced valve and hinge assm. Hot and cold fill as intended. Door no longer sags. No further issue.
Near Yonkers, NY 10710
Marc M
Job Details: 11/19/2019
COOKTOP WHIRLPOOL W5CE3024XB Element replaced and tested no power could not test cx will have handy man re install he moved unit and will reinstall repair complete.
Near Leonia, NJ 07605
Keyel H
Job Details: 11/19/2019
REF BOT/MT 19CF MAYTAG MFF2055FRZ00 Ice maker came off put ice maker back in position cycle ok.
Near Highland Park, NJ 08904
Jason T
Job Details: 11/19/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF767SDEM00 "Made checks” Called tech line , ran diagnostic test! Found that problem could be the the logic board, ordering SR#7726408610 Robert..; ordrng 1 W10843055 (MAIN BOARD ) and 1 W11092502 (UI BOARD ) and 1 W11092503 (UI BOARD )"
Near Roxbury Township, NJ 07876
Frank G.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MHW5500FW1 Found pinched wire at control board/ repaired wire and tested/ unit checked ok/
Near Mendham, NJ 07945
Frank G.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL PYE4558AYW Dryer is approximately 17 years old...Needs parts listed below...not sure if anything else is wrong until the dryer is up and running...31001398 is N/L/A; ordrng 1 31001398 (TEMP SWITCH ****N/L/A) and 1 LA-1053 (thermo kit) and 1 WP53-0771 (thrmst-fix)
Near Brooklyn, NY 11211
Enerve B.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRSA15SNHZ01 "Checked out the ref,founded the failure of the freezer damper control,was too high,improper setting.Rested the the freezer temperature control,unit tested ok,customer education as well about the unit."
Near Sparta, NJ 07871
Frank G.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB765FC3 "Needed agitator tightened down and bad seat on inlet valveReplaced inlet valve as well...heard scraping noise in spin...order parts below; ordrng 1 W10734521 (slider) and 1 W10754448 (clutch) and 1 W11195971 (stator) and 1 W11260238 (rotor), used 1 W11165546 (VALVE) from stock"
Near Paramus, NJ 07652
Keyel H
Job Details: 11/19/2019
REFRIG/FREEZER KITCHEN AID KRMF706ESS01 Install door operating normal.
Near Ho-Ho-Kus, NJ 07423
Keyel H
Job Details: 11/19/2019
REF BOT/MT 26CF KITCHEN AID KRFF507ESS01 Install parts defrost fill tube.
Near Parsippany-Troy Hills, NJ 07054
Frank G.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DRYER MAYTAG MGDX655DW2 Replaced a thermal fuse; used 1 WP3392519 (FUSE) from stock
Near Rumson, NJ 07760
Eric P.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL KUDD01DPPA1 "Ep-diagnostics led to unit needing new control, part is NLA. Customer will look into replacing unit"
Near Brooklyn, NY 11210
Paul D
Job Details: 11/19/2019
WALL OVEN JENN AIR JJW3430WP02 Checked unit found code f8e0 need to replace fan on oven on the left facing unit . Will order ; ordrng 1 WPW10273667 (blower)
Near New York, NY 10011
Clem S.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL TTTTTTTTT Motor on order ; schdld next appmnt for 11/21 THU !
Near New York, NY 10036
Clem S.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL CAE2745FQ0 "Relay short to ground cause defective parts ,order part parts warranty ; ordrng 1 W11188527 (CONTROL ) and 1 W1138790 (RELAY ) and 1 WPW10482836 (latch)"
Near New York, NY 10023
Clem S.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MET3800TW2 "Defective pulley and burnt wires on blower fuse ,; ordrng 1 279640 (pulley,idler) and 1 WP3387134 (thrmst-fix) and 1 WP3403607 (cutoff-tml)"
Near Wayne, NJ 07470
Jesse F
Job Details: 11/19/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHEN-AID KRFF305ESS00 "Freezer door closing ok, as well as the alignment. Replaced freezer door switch and tightened all handles...; used 1 W11396033 (LITE ASSY) from stock"
Near Roxbury Township, NJ 07852
Frank G.
Job Details: 11/19/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW5620HW0 "F5 E4, F0 E5, Unit was either overloaded or had an unbalanced load"