Near New York, NY 10023
Clem S.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
MICRO OVEN TOP WHIRLPOOL CMO WMH53521HZ2 Defective control op; ordrng 1 W11182110 (PCB ) and 1 W11192682 (CONTROL )
Near Tobyhanna, PA 18466
Jose R
Job Details: 11/20/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF555SDFZ08 "Found freezer door seal not sealing property / Applied steam to seal to close air gap..also set temperatures to factory settings,,all tested ok"
Near The Bronx, NY 10469
Darren S.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC565FW0 Install parts
Near The Bronx, NY 10464
Darren S.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
Near The Bronx, NY 10461
Darren S.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB865GW0 Error codesF8e1 ..f5e1 .. ran diagnostics .. calibrate unit .. customer instruct ... normal operation
Near Jefferson, NJ 07849
Clayton G.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
WSH FRT/LOAD MAYTAG MHW5630HW0 Replaced listed parts unit tests ok
Near Elmwood Park, NJ 07407
Eric S.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWX655DW0 Found wash plate is loose need part; ordrng 1 W10902814 (WASH PLATE)
Near Blairstown, NJ 07825
Clayton G.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW4816FW2 Replaced listed part. Unit test OK
Near Newton, NJ 07860
Clayton G.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW4950HW1 Customer states unit didn’t wash after filling. Only code was for long fill. No long fill condition exists. Ran test cycle. Just as in previous visit. Tech cannot substantiated complain in neither testing physically or stored fault codes. Unit tests ok.
Near Wood-Ridge, NJ 07075
Eric S.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB865GW0 Found error code water valve. Need parts ; ordrng 1 W11162440 (CONTROL ) and 1 W11172234 (VALVE)
Near New York, NY 10011
Clem S.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT111SFDW04 Found unit operation normal .explain reversing door is not cover under warranty .
Near New York, NY 10011
Clem S.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW8500SR01 "Replaced door bellow, test good"
Near New York, NY 10003
Clem S.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDTA50AHZ0 "Found loose door gasket . Reinstalled gasket ,test good"
Near Spring Valley, NY 10977
Tim S
Job Details: 11/20/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MHW5630HW0 Replaced defective bellow
Near Sparta, NJ 07871
Clayton G.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
DOWNDRAFT AMANA UXD8636DY5 Replace fan assembly. You need to additional top switch. One man one count on return; ordrng 1 W11230930 (switch )
Near Green Township, NJ 07821
Clayton G.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB765FW2 3-20-4Needs watervalve. W11165546 $86.86standard labor 0<300
Near Somerville, NJ 08876
Frank G.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW1 Replaced valve and checked...ran diagnostics and recalibrated control S61361 code covering part
Near Washington, NJ 07882
Frank G.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
WASHER WHILPOOL WFW94HEXW2 Replaced drain pump and checked
Near Wantage, NJ 07461
Frank G.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW4950HW0 "Water pressure too low to fill the washer to the proper level the computer gives, for the machine to fill to the proper levelThe well pump has to be adjusted to bring up the water pressure in the home."
Near Freehold, NJ 07728
Vincent D
Job Details: 11/20/2019
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFG505M0BW0 Vd unit needed ignitor(12400035) installed part tested unit ran to specs ; used 1 12400035 (igniter) from stock
Near Queens, NY 11693
Paul T
Job Details: 11/20/2019
RANGE MAYTAG MGR6600FZ0 "Installed new spark board on unit, main control was working good at this time. Did find that unit is plugged into a gfi outlet which might be causing glitches in con. All test ok at this time."
Near Queens, NY 11414
Paul T
Job Details: 11/20/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WGD7800XW0 "Came to house and unit was already opened up. Checked unit and found evidence of a lint fire. Burner and air chute all covered in burnt lint. Harness was slightly melted. Went outside and checked vent and it was full of lint. Explained situation to customer and that the vent must be cleaned atleast once a year to prevent these issues. Advised due to clogged vent, lint will build up inside unit and may catch fire due to flame inside unit for heat. Customer is going to purchase a new unit but advised vent must be replaced or atleast cleaned good before use."
Near Marlboro Township, NJ 07751
Dennis B
Job Details: 11/20/2019
REFRIG/FREEZER KITCHENAID KRFC704FPS03 Db tested unit unit ran to specs cant reduce water psi
Near Monroe Township, NJ 08831
Brian H.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
MICROWAVE WHIRLPOOL WMH31017HZ0 "Use authorization #WN845N8DPL1 . Unit diagnosed working ok. Explained to customer that when cooking on range top, vent fan on the over the range microwave should be utilized."
Near Queens, NY 11433
George T
Job Details: 11/20/2019
MICROWAVE OVEN WHIRLPOOL CMO WMH31017HS3 Please take a look at pic taken.. who ever installed this u it..installed it not to be able to be brought down..advised customer unit has to be brought down in order for us to take a look at unit..
Near Queens, NY 11432
George T
Job Details: 11/20/2019
RANGE - GAS KITCHENAID KGSS907SSS02 Parts installed..test ok..
Near Staten Island, NY 10309
Aris S.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDF520PADM7 "Run unit on service diagnostic, unit is working normal, heater is ok, no problem was found"
Near Westfield, NJ 07090
Karl G
Job Details: 11/20/2019
LAUNDRY WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW2 KG 11/19 checked unit found washer not draining or spinning due to drain pump failure. Replaced drain pump tested unit through cycle. All components tested properly ; used 1 W10876600 (PUMP) from stock
Near Stanhope, NJ 07874
Frank G.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL MEDE300VW1 "***Units stacked in bathroom...Needs belt and idler pulley and lubrication of drum rollers...2 count on return...; ordrng 1 279640 (pulley,idler) and 1 WPW10112954 (belt)"
Near Raritan Township, NJ 08822
Jason T
Job Details: 11/20/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRFF707ESS01 "Replaced defective control, UI & evaporator fan assembly, tested ok..."
Near Allentown, NJ 08501
Trevor B
Job Details: 11/20/2019
DRYER AMANA NGD4655EW2 TB- Exhaust venting is completely clogged with lint. Advised customer to to contact vent cleaning company before resuming use if dryer. Dryer functions are working as designed.
Near Hillsborough Township, NJ 08844
Jason T
Job Details: 11/20/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX735SDHZ00 Made checks” adjusted water filter housing tested ok... Costco warranty two years...
Near New York, NY 10024
Kenly S
Job Details: 11/20/2019
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL IDT870SAGX0 part installed the unit is working fine
Near Matawan, NJ 07747
Dennis B
Job Details: 11/20/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC565FW1 Db unit has latch and motor faults unit needs following parts ; ordrng 1 W11116594 (cntrl-elec) and 1 W11307244 (latch)
Near Linden, NJ 07036
Karl G
Job Details: 11/20/2019
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFG540H0ES1 KG 11/19 installed manifold. Checked burners for proper operation. All burners checked ok. No leaks detected. Unit operating as designed
Near Monroe Township, NJ 08831
Brian H.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WEG750H0HZ0 Use Authorization #WN841N8DPL1 Found F6E0. Diagnosed faulty UI W11339754 and ACU W11205353. Order parts; ordrng 1 W11205353 (ACU) and 1 W11339754 (UI)
Near Yonkers, NY 10710
Wayne L
Job Details: 11/20/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC565FW1 Check unit control board is faulty customer requested a morning appointment ; ordrng 1 W11162438 (CONTROL BOARD )
Near Freehold, NJ 07728
Vincent D
Job Details: 11/20/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WGD5000DW3 Vd tested 7nit could not duplicate issue at this time
Near Queens, NY 11432
George T
Job Details: 11/20/2019
REFRIG/FREEZER WHIRLPOOL KRMF706ESS01 Five door unit..had to remount one of the draw fronts..also had to realign freezer door...advised person on site...freezer door must be pulled and closed from middle of handle..
Near Staten Island, NY 10309
Aris S.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW7300XW2 "Unit need parts is leaking , all parts are rusted ; ordrng 1 280146 (rotor) and 1 W10193886 (tub outer) and 1 WO8533928 (SCREWS ) and 1 WPW10178988 (sensor) and 1 WPW10419333 (stator)"
Near Queens, NY 11428
George T
Job Details: 11/20/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRB322DMBB00 Had to replace non working icemaker...was able to bypass new icemaker to make sure water was cycling in...all ok..; used 1 W10884390 (ICEMAKER) from stock
Near Monroe Township, NJ 08831
Brian H.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
REFRIG/FREEZER WHIRLPOOL WRX735SDBM04 Diagnosed faulty ice maker assembly WPW10300024. Order parts; ordrng 1 WPW10300024 (ICE MAKER)
Near New York, NY 10023
Kenly S
Job Details: 11/20/2019
Near Flemington, NJ 08822
Jason T
Job Details: 11/20/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS555SIHB00 Made checks” found Crushed drain hose call Tech Line but SR number 7726429811 per Dave “ ordering part..; ordrng 1 WP2304888 (FITTING DRAIN )
Near Middletown, NJ 07738
Vincent D
Job Details: 11/20/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WGD75HEFW0 Vd found good air flow out of dryer but very little air coming from outside vent unit has vent line restriction advised cust to contact a vent cleaning comp
Near Staten Island, NY 10301
Felipe T.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDT730PAHZ0 Found a clog on elbow connecting to drain hose. Advised customer to contact a plumber to clear drain
Near Middletown, NJ 07738
Vincent D
Job Details: 11/20/2019
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE704DPA0 Vd unit needs panel (W10850350 ) control (W10866116) 225 trip 114.95 labor 135 tax total 506.42 called tech line was advised to that unit needs control by removing user interface and drain pump not kicked on could not get ref # got disconnected before got to that part not really cust is calling wpl collected trip 122.57 by cc #
Near Hamburg, NJ 07419
Clayton G.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
DRYER MAYTAG MGDB765FC0 Part sent is 3” too short. Reordering. Verified model is correct. ; ordrng 1 W10545923 (drum)
Near Woodbridge Township, NJ 07067
Karl G
Job Details: 11/20/2019
REF BOT MAYAG MSD2454GRW KG 11/19 checked unit found relay making clicking noise. Needs new relay unable to verify if unit is covered under service pointer auth# R22553. Will confirm upon repair. Spoke to Kurt@techline ; ordrng 1 W10247581 (RELAY)
Near Pearl River, NY 10965
Tim S
Job Details: 11/20/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL GB2FHDXWS08 Adjusted rt side freezer wheel
Near Elizabeth, NJ 07206
Karl G
Job Details: 11/20/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MHW5630HW0 KG 11/19 checked unit found unit leaking from hole in gasket. Needs new gasket; ordrng 1 W11314648 (bellow)
Near Staten Island, NY 10301
Felipe T.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
M/W OTR WHIRLPOOL WMH32519CT0 Replaced defective interlock mechanism ; used 1 W11244494 (INTERLOCK) from stock
Near Staten Island, NY 10312
Felipe T.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDF560SAFM2 Unit makes vibrating noise from water inlet line. Closed valve under the sink a bit to reduce water pressure. Advised customer contact a plumber if issue persists
Near Farmingdale, NJ 07727
Vincent D
Job Details: 11/20/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL CAE2745FQ1 Vd unit needs inter face (W10491734) ; ordrng 1 W10491734 (interface)
Near Queens, NY 11419
Paul T
Job Details: 11/20/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL n/a "Checked unit, door is locked and stacked in a low ceiling basement. Need 2 men to remove dryer for repair. Cant tilt unit back due to low ceiling. Pump not running properly and not draining. 2 men on return.; ordrng 1 WPW10391443 (PUMP) and 1 WPW10448876 (PRESSURE SWITCH )"
Near Nutley, NJ 07110
Felipe T.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
OVEN WHIRLPOOL WFG525S0HS1 Repositioned door gasket
Near Queens, NY 11373
Paul T
Job Details: 11/20/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL SAV3655AWW "Checked unit, unit would need full rebuild, unit tub is walking while agitating and spinning, also seal is no good causing leak and loud grinding in spin cycle, unit is aprox 15-16 years old. Milk stool welds cracked. Several parts show no longer available ; ordrng 1 12002223 (SEAL KIT) and 1 27001030 (MILK STOOL) and 1 27001067 (BOTTOM TUB) and 1 W10840840 (TRANSMISSION ) and 6 WPY37001124 (SPRINGS)s"
Near Aberdeen Township, NJ 07747
Dennis B
Job Details: 11/20/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS325SDHZ01 Db unit has a self piercer valve with low water pressure ice maker did jump out running as designed
Near Tinton Falls, NJ 07724
Vincent D
Job Details: 11/20/2019
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFG550S0HZ1 Vd unit needs burner head (WPW10515455) resc cust ; ordrng 1 WPW10515455 (burnr-head)
Near New York, NY 10128
Kenly S
Job Details: 11/20/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL GHW9300PW4 check and found that the control motor is defective; ordrng 1 W10756692 (MOTOR CONTROL )
Near New York, NY 10033
Kenly S
Job Details: 11/20/2019
DISHWASHER JENN-AIR JDB2100AWS check and found that the heater is defective; ordrng 1 W10283681 (HEATER )
Near Toms River, NJ 08755
Marc C
Job Details: 11/20/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF555SDFZ05 Tested unit found left side inner liner sunken not making door switch I installed plastic square tested unit water and ice OK; used 1 WP2177331 (SPACER) from stock
Near Middletown, NJ 07738
Vincent D
Job Details: 11/20/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5600XW2 Vd unit has 2 codes shift actuator and motor cleared code ran diag unit completed cycle found gear case oil over motor unit needs actuator (WPW10006355) 75 trip 114.95 labor 90 tax total 298.50 cust declined at this time paid trip 122.57 by check # 6513 ; ordrng 1 WPW10006355 (actuator)
Near Holmdel, NJ 07733
Vincent D
Job Details: 11/20/2019
DISHWASHER JENN-AIR JDTSS246GL0 Vd found house power tripping under any load found out by cutting a cord in half and splicing it into house power when i plugged any thing into outlet breaker tripped installed the parts and advised cust to correct there electrical before hooking back up to unit
Near Spring Valley, NY 10977
Tim S
Job Details: 11/20/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW8620HC1 Requires extra man . Stack; ordrng 1 W11327395 (PANEL)
Near Queens, NY 11364
Kenny G
Job Details: 11/20/2019
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG MRT118FFFZ05 Loose connection at light bulb socket corrected.
Near Brooklyn, NY 11235
Paul D
Job Details: 11/20/2019
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFG505M0BW2 Checked unit found light bulb broken removed from Inside light socket .
Near East Orange, NJ 07017
Felipe T.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
RANGE AMANA AGR5330BAS3 Found crack on the regulator. Ordered regulator. Tenant phone # 201-694-1518; ordrng 1 W11346659 (REGULATOR )
Near Toms River, NJ 08753
Robert D
Job Details: 11/20/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL LEW0050PQ3 Replaced baffle. No further issue.
Near Middletown, NJ 07738
Vincent D
Job Details: 11/20/2019
OVEN JENN-AIR JJW2430DP01 Vd found f2e1 called tech line was advised to replace user interface (W11236887) spoke with safety was advised They will cover full repair use jnajhnawpl1.3Ref#7726429410Ref # 7726401305; schdld next appmnt for 11/26 TUE !
Near Sea Girt, NJ 08750
Tyler S
Job Details: 11/20/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRMF606ESS01 "Customer declined service at this time, believes he may have an extended warranty."
Near Manchester Township, NJ 08759
Robert D
Job Details: 11/20/2019
OVEN WHIRLPOOL WFE550S0HZ1 Replaced both hot home hinges. Door opens and closes as intended. No further issue.
Near Effort, PA 18330
Jose R
Job Details: 11/20/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWX655DW1 "Found faulty actuator,Replaced actuator,calibrate control,and tested unit all ok; used 1 W10913953 ("
Near Queens, NY 11364
Kenny G
Job Details: 11/20/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF560SEHW Clogged water filter. Educated customer on this replacement of the water filter. ; saved tckt
Near Middletown, NJ 07748
Eric P.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDTA50SAHZ0 "Ep-customer had received parts from whirlpool, installed those parts. Machine functions as designed"
Near Queens, NY 11357
Kenny G
Job Details: 11/20/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC565FW0 Found gear case is leaking oil causing belt to slip off will need to order new gear case and belt to resolve. ; ordrng 1 W10006481 (gearcase) and 1 W10396887 (hub) and 1 W10721967 (drive pulley) and 1 W10808317 (belt) and 1 W11121786 (screw)
Near Browns Mills, NJ 08015
Marc C
Job Details: 11/20/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC465HW2 Tested unit in diagnostics found code F8E1 Long Fill no fill i found hot water turned off i advized customer both hot and cold water Hass to be turned on for the washer unit working as designed
Near Holmdel, NJ 07733
Dennis B
Job Details: 11/20/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WGD4815EW2 Db tested unit unit ran to specs unit had a slight restriction
Near Lakewood Township, NJ 08701
Robert D
Job Details: 11/20/2019
REFRIG/FREEZER WHIRLPOOL KSSS48QKX02 New control is damaged. It’s completely missing a port at the board and all 5 mounting tabs had been snapped off. Re ordering control. ; ordrng 1 W10823805 (CONTROL)
Near Queens, NY 11427
George T
Job Details: 11/20/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MHW5630HC0 Stayed with unit for a complete wash cycle..did not see a drip or a leak anywhere..had top and back open T time of testing...had two persons watching also...raised the front for slight pitch..drain was close by. Nothing was over powering the stand pipe..advised the customer to monitor the situation..
Near Jackson Township, NJ 08527
Tyler S
Job Details: 11/20/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL GGW9250PL0 "Installed new thermal fuse, heating now. Advised to have vent cleaned or fuse could go again. Total $218.95. Trip $114.95, Labor $75.00, Part $15.40, tax $13.60.; used 1 WP3392519 (FUSE) from stock"
Near Mount Vernon, NY 10552
Wayne L
Job Details: 11/20/2019
WALL OVEN WHIRLPOOL CWG3100AAE Check unit oven sensor is faulty ; ordrng 1 12001655 (SENSOR )
Near Belmar, NJ 07719
Tyler S
Job Details: 11/20/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW560CHW "Called customer, he can’t make it in time for appointment. Reschedule."
Near Chatham, NJ 07928
Efrain R.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
KITCHEN WHIRLPOOL KDTE254ESS2 Unit does fill.needs sump assy. Motor w10902372 $270.63 / labor 95.00 / pd s/c cust will get back to us.
Near Brick Township, NJ 08724
Tyler S
Job Details: 11/20/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC350AW0 "Customer wants a new agitator. Total $331.79. Paid trip $122.57, owes $209.22 on return.; ordrng 1 285565 (AGITATOR)"
Near Kunkletown, PA 18058
Jose R
Job Details: 11/20/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED8500DC4 Found broken belt drum; ordrng 1 W10849499 (belt)
Near Toms River, NJ 08757
Marc C
Job Details: 11/20/2019
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDF520PADM7 Tested unit found top rack stops missing and one don’t lock properly; ordrng 2 WPW10082861 (stop)s
Near Red Bank, NJ 07701
Eric P.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KBFO42FTX04 "Ep-Installed freezer gasket, remaining two door gaskets will be left with the customer and installed on return; O-emld tckt"
Near Woodbridge Township, NJ 08863
Jason T
Job Details: 11/20/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS325FDAM04 "Made checks” found defective light module, customer wants to repair unit self..."
Near Country Lake Estates, NJ 08015
Marc C
Job Details: 11/20/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF560SEYM05 Tested unit found front interface is out can not readWhat what actual temperature is needs interface also unit over loaded with food food obstructing air inlet at top; ordrng 1 W10435576 (escutcheon) and 1 W11082783 (cntrl-elec)
Near Wall Township, NJ 07719
Chris H.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDPM354GPS0 CH - unit needs new side tub plug {W10795980}; ordrng 1 W10795980 (TUB PLUG)
Near Knoxville, TN 37922
Stoyan S
Job Details: 11/20/2019
RANGE KITCHEN-AID KSGG700ESS1 Re arrange burner caps Test it all op ok
Near Jackson Township, NJ 08527
Tyler S
Job Details: 11/20/2019
MICRO OVEN TOP KITCHEN-AID KMHS120ESS4 "Unit needs interlock service kit, bulb, socket, and control. Having open/close door error. Bottom light bulb not coming on, bulb appears to be good but ordering a spare.; ordrng 1 8206232A (BULB) and 1 W10210871 (SOCKET) and 1 W10881539 (CONTROL) and 1 W11244490 (INTERLOCK)"
Near Browns Mills, NJ 08015
Robert D
Job Details: 11/20/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF757SDHV00 Ordering water valve and ice maker assm. ; ordrng 1 W11294907 (ICE MAKER) and 1 WPW10341329 (VALVE)
Near Trenton, NJ 08691
Trevor B
Job Details: 11/20/2019
OVEN JENN-AIR JJW2430DS01 TB- Verified F2 E1 (stuck key) error. Unit needs replacement UI assy.; ordrng 1 W11236887 (UI )
Near Brooklyn, NY 11223
Omar S
Job Details: 11/20/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW1 22#Making noise on spin found bad suspension also found broke washplate need part 2CC; ordrng 1 W10752187 (screw) and 1 W10752283 (washplate) and 1 W11130362 (SUSPENSION )
Near Island Heights, NJ 08732
Tyler S
Job Details: 11/20/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRMF706ESS01 Auger not getting powered up. All door switches working properly and being activated. Ordering new user interface and hv control.; ordrng 1 W11330971 (UI) and 1 WPW10675033 (CONTROL)
Near New York, NY 10033
Kenly S
Job Details: 11/20/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW3 check and found that the suspensions are defective; ordrng 1 W11130362 (SUSPENSION )
Near Sparta, NJ 07871
Efrain R.
Job Details: 11/20/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF757SDHZOO Top half no lightsand frz no lights 2cc; ordrng 1 W11205083 (FRZ LED) and 1 W11224256 (BRD) and 5 W11239944 (LED LUGHTS RF SECTION)s
Near Teaneck, NJ 07666
Tim S
Job Details: 11/20/2019
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KUDE70FXSS5 Leaking motor pump ; ordrng 1 WPW10455261 (pump&motor)