Near Old Bridge Township, NJ 08857
Brian H.
Job Details: 07/23/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW7000DW3 Found stored F8E1 error code (Long fill). Inspected pressure hose and pressure switch and found loose connection. Tightened connection and secured with zip tie. Ran diagnostics again and found no faults. Ran spin cycle and tested ok. Unit working ok.
Near Brick Township, NJ 08723
Tyler S
Job Details: 07/23/2019
RANGE JENN-AIR JGS1450FS0 "Installed control, oven light fixed. Center fish burner has an issue, flame poofs constantly after it is lit. Called tech-line and tried adjusting burner valve and using burner a couple different ways, still does it. Was advised to replace burner valve. Ordering the orifice holder and burner head to.; ordrng 1 W10552137 (HOLDER-ORF) and 1 W10556376 (BURNR-HEAD) and 1 W11163975 (VALVE-BRNR)"
Near The Bronx, NY 10453
Vlad C.
Job Details: 07/23/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB765FW2 Needs parts...; ordrng 1 W11161960 (AGITATOR (COMPLETE) )
Near Toms River, NJ 08753
Matt S.
Job Details: 07/23/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT771RWYW01 Ordering a new icemaker. None in van stock. 4317943; ordrng 1 4317943 (icemaker only)
Near Franklin Township, NJ 08823
Dennis B
Job Details: 07/23/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MHW6000XW0 Db tested unit unit ran to specs unit needed drain clean out
Near Lakewood Township, NJ 08701
Tyler S
Job Details: 07/23/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW94HEAW0 "Needs drain pump. Pump is located in bottom front on this unit, dryer stacked on top. Needs two men. Customer may replace unit, see sticky notes. Paid $122.57 by chk#6152."
Near Tarrytown, NY 10591
Jerel L
Job Details: 07/23/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KBFS20EVMS11 Found clogged drain. Removed clog. Installed p trap. ; used 1 W10619951 (grommet) from stock
Near Brooklyn, NY 11207
Kage M
Job Details: 07/23/2019
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE204DSS0 Check and found console not responding customer will not go forward with the repair will replace consul on his own
Near Robbinsville Township, NJ 08691
Trevor B
Job Details: 07/23/2019
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDFE104HPS0 "TB- Installed new lower rack. No change in issue. Found right side interior of dishwasher tub caved inwards causing lower rack to bind as its sliding in and out. Tub damage happened either from factory or during transport. Unit is brand new never used. Customer will contact selling dealer (Lowe’s) for unit exchange. If dealer is unwilling to exchange unit, then new tub/frame assembly must be ordered to correct issue.; O-emld tckt"
Near Queens, NY 11370
Darren S.
Job Details: 07/23/2019
REFRIG/FREEZER WHIRLPOOL WRS571CIHZ01 Found low water pressure from dispenser .. customer instruct to change water filter ...
Near Staten Island, NY 10312
Aris S.
Job Details: 07/23/2019
DISHWASHER MAYTAG MDB4949SHZ0 "Check the door gasket, the cavity, unit is ok, problem is the floor, is no even."
Near Jersey City, NJ 07306
Felipe T.
Job Details: 07/23/2019
OVEN AMANA AGR4230BAW0 Tech line Sr#7725191225. Took pictures of the oven and tech line will submit case to the safety department
Near Ramsey, NJ 07446
Tim S
Job Details: 07/23/2019
WSH FRT WHIRLPOOL WFW9351YW00 Standpipe backing up Plumber required
Near The Bronx, NY 10466
Vlad C.
Job Details: 07/23/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW7300DW0 "Found error code f6 e2. Needs parts...; ordrng 1 W10812422 (CONTROL UNIT ASSEMBLY, MACHINE AND MOTOR ) and 1 W10915405 (HARNESS, UI) and 1 W11089547 (ASSEMBLY, CONSOLE FASCIA)"
Near Cedar Grove, NJ 07009
Efrain R.
Job Details: 07/23/2019
DRYER GAS WHIRLPOOL WGD7500GWO Unit came on after 4 time and nothing after that only pt working was the ign called tech support sr7725189810 odering brd hi limit tstat thermistor ; ordrng 1 W1124284 (BRD) and 1 WP3391912 (HI LIMIT) and 1 WP8577274 (THERMISTOR ) and 1 WP8573713 (TSTSAT)
Near Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07677
Tim S
Job Details: 07/23/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED5000DW2 "Replaced defective belt & idler pulley ; used 1 341241 (BELT), and 1 691366 (idler pulley) from stock"
Near Staten Island, NY 10305
Aris S.
Job Details: 07/23/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC415EW2 "Found a bad door latch, install 2 , test it is ; used 1 W10838613 (LATCH) from stock"
Near Saddle Brook, NJ 07663
Sam C
Job Details: 06/26/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRB322DMBM00 Troubleshoot unit failed on electronic control installed a new board control cycle check; used 1 WPW10503278 () from stock
Near Summit, NJ 07901
Karl G
Job Details: 06/26/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW1 "KG 6/25 checked washer found tub stuck in sideward position. Tub went off balance causing it to bang around, adjusted tub to proper position. Unit spinning and operating properly.David SR# 7725188802"
Near Scotch Plains, NJ 07076
Karl G
Job Details: 06/26/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW8000DW0 "KG 6/25 checked unit found washer making grinding and clocking noise when turning. Fastened motor rotor, unit still noisy, needs new transmission replacement. Customer will contact MNF to try and get concession for repair. No additional repairs required at this time"
Near Scotch Plains, NJ 07076
Karl G
Job Details: 06/26/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB765FW1 KG 6/25 checked unit found control not responding and lid switch is not engaging to tested unit through diagnostic mode; ordrng 1 W10810403 (lid lock assy) and 1 W11135392 (cntrl-elec)
Near Perth Amboy, NJ 08861
Karl G
Job Details: 06/26/2019
WASHER AMANA NTW4516FW3 KG 6/25 checked washer found unit not level causing tub to go off balance then stops mid cycle. Water hoses connected in reverse. Customer has to have installation corrected for proper operation. Washer operating as designed
Near Woodbridge Township, NJ 07067
Karl G
Job Details: 06/26/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC565FW1 KG 6/25 checked unit found power to control bit does not turn on. Needs new control board; ordrng 1 W11162438 (cntrl-elec)
Near The Bronx, NY 10473
Vlad C.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
WASHER AMANA NTW4516FW2 "Reseted main control board. Inspected for proper function. Working fine now. Door lock, Main control board."
Near The Bronx, NY 10473
Vlad C.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
REFRIGERATOR AMANA ASD2575BRW01 "Needs parts...; ordrng 1 WPW10153550 (EXTENSION, DRAIN FITTING)"
Near The Bronx, NY 10473
Vlad C.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
DRYER EL WHIRLPOOL LDR3822PQ2 Part inst. Inspected for proper function. Working fine now.; used 1 WP3392519 (FUSE) from stock
Near Belmar, NJ 07719
Chris H.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW8620HW1 "CH - unit has goods issue date of 6/6/19 - unit is iw. Customer states that unit was just installed and after running unit, it shook so violently that it cracked a pipe on the wall behind it. Found top lh shipping bolt was left in during installation - the other three shipping bolts were removed. Unit has cosmetic damage to rear of top panel, and stator motor is binding up when drum is rotated. As this is an installation issue that damagd the unit and caused damage to the customer’s plumbing, and unit is within first 30 days from dop, customer is contacting the retailer to resolve - will call in if unit is not replaced by retailer - if repair is required, unit will need new top {WPW10208373}, stator {W11316054}, and rotor {W11314361}."
Near The Bronx, NY 10473
Vlad C.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRB329DMBM00 "Needs parts... Any time after 9AM. Tech Please call customer twice b4 arrival.; ordrng 2 WPW10120018 (SLIDE, DOOR)s"
Near Interlaken, NJ 07712
Chris H.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL GSS30C6EYY02 CH - customer canceled service
Near Wanamassa, NJ 07712
Chris H.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WGD8500DC4 "CH - found a screw - not from the unit - in blower wheel duct. Blower wheel is broken. Unit needs new blower wheel {WP697772}, motor {W11105178}, and lint screen {W10859086}, extra time on return; ordrng 1 W10859086 (SCREEN) and 1 W11105178 (MOTOR) and 1 WP697772 (BLOWER WHEEL)"
Near West Long Branch, NJ 07764
Chris H.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE104ESS1 CH - customer met me at the door and said that she told WP cust serv that she is unwilling to pay for service and she believes that servic should be covered despite unit being out of warranty. Customer declined service
Near New York, NY 10002
Adrian R.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL ED20PKXYW01 "Install the freezer door gasket and the door closer, but the refrigerator door gasket is incorrect need to reorder the refrigerator door gasket ; schdld next appmnt for 6/27 THU !"
Near New York, NY 10002
Adrian R.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
DRYER EL WHIRLPOOL LDR3822PQ2 Replace dryer door latch assembly leave working fine ; used 1 LATCH (279570) from stock
Near New York, NY 10002
Adrian R.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT134TFDB00 "Replace the evaporator fan motor, leave working properly ; used 1 2315539 (MOTOR-EVAP) from stock"
Near New York, NY 10009
Adrian R.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
DRYER EL AMANA NTW4526FW2 Need a drain pump.; ordrng 1 W10919003 (DRAIN PUMP )
Near New York, NY 10005
Adrian R.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
DISHWASHER MAYTAG MDB4609AWS4 "Check and found that there’s no leaks whatsoever, the dishwasher is working properly."
Near New York, NY 10007
Adrian R.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
DISHWASHER KITCHEN AID KUDP01FLSS6 Replace the door link kit leave working fine.; used 1 8194001 (Link) from stock
Near North Bergen, NJ 07047
Aris S.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
REFRIG/FREEZER WHIRLPOOL WRF560SEHZ00 Install parts test it is working normal
Near Staten Island, NY 10312
Aris S.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
RANGE KITCHEN AID KSGB900ESS0 Install parts test it is working good
Near Staten Island, NY 10312
Aris S.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL LTG5243DQB Need parts ; ordrng 1 WP3406108 (DOOR SWITCH )
Near Long Branch, NJ 07740
Eric P.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW1 "Ep-met in the driveway by customer,stated they canceled call 6hrs after it was made on sunday"
Near Franklin Township, NJ 08823
Dennis B
Job Details: 06/26/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MHW6000XW0 Db tested unit unit ran to specs unit needed drain clean out
Near North Brunswick Township, NJ 08902
Dennis B
Job Details: 06/26/2019
MICROWAVE KITCHENAID KOCE500ESS08 Db unit had f9 e0 miss wired cleared code tested unit unit ran to specs empty new construction
Near East Brunswick, NJ 08816
Dennis B
Job Details: 06/26/2019
REFRIG/FREEZER WHIRLPOOL WRS325SDHZ01 Db tested unit unit ran to specs ff sec is all pushed up against the wall went over airflow with customer
Near North Brunswick Township, NJ 08902
Dennis B
Job Details: 06/26/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW2 Db unit needs following parts ; ordrng 1 W10876600 (drain pump)
Near Matawan, NJ 07747
Dennis B
Job Details: 06/26/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF736SDAM12 Db unit has ice maker cant find home position unit needs; ordrng 1 WPW10764668 (ice maker)
Near Aberdeen Township, NJ 07747
Dennis B
Job Details: 06/26/2019
REFRIG/FREEZER KITCHENAID KRSC500ESS00 Db ff drain was clogged cleared clog tested unit unit ran to specs
Near Matawan, NJ 07747
Dennis B
Job Details: 06/26/2019
KITCHEN WHIRLPOOL WFG320M0BS3 Db range has f3 fault sensor unit needs following arts; ordrng 1 W11126814 (cntrl-elec) and 1 WPW10181986 (sensor)
Near Linden, NJ 07036
Karl G
Job Details: 06/26/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW4816FW2 "KG 6/25 checked washer found unit very noisy when spinning. Removed inner tub and found metal piece from clothing inside tub assm. Removed object, tested unit through cycle. Washer operating as designed"
Near South Plainfield, NJ 07080
Karl G
Job Details: 06/26/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW2 KG 6/25 checked washer found inner basket out of balance creating banging noise when spiining. Repaired and adjusted tub to proper position. Tested washer through diagnostic. Washer operating as designed
Near Cranford, NJ 07016
Karl G
Job Details: 06/26/2019
REFRIG/FREEZER WHIRLPOOL KSC24C8EYP02 KG 6/25 checked unit found evaporator frosting over. Evaporator installed 1 month ago. Needs new evaporator again. Seal system repair 2 CC; ordrng 1 WPW10643261 (evaporator)
Near Middletown, NJ 07748
Brian H.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB765FW1 "Replaced parts, working ok"
Near Holmdel, NJ 07733
Brian H.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
OVEN JENN-AIR JJW2430DP02 "Replaced UI, working ok. ACU not needed, returning new and unused."
Near Holmdel, NJ 07733
Brian H.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
DRYER - GAS WHIRLPOOL WGD8500BW0 Diagnosed working ok.
Near Middletown, NJ 07738
Brian H.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
DISHWASHER JENN-AIR JDB9800CWP2 "Replaced UI, unit working ok. ACU not needed, returning new and unused."
Near Tinton Falls, NJ 07724
Brian H.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW4816FW2 "Unit diagnosed working ok. Drain hose is cracked and leaking, advised cons this is not covered under manufacturers warranty."
Near Monmouth Beach, NJ 07750
Brian H.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
ICEMAKER KITCHENAID KUID308ESS2 "Replaced UI, unit working ok. ACU not needed, returning new and unused."
Near Oceanport, NJ 07757
Eric P.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
RANGE WHIRLPOOL KSGG700EWH0 "Ep-Installed new sensor, tested unit-Bake@350°-reached temp, cycled and failed to re-ignite. Contacted TB and techline -Andrew(sr#7725188686)-heat aggravated issue, SP# W10622771A/ W10702913A. Scode (1) W10700720 burnr-oven,(1) W10860916 module-spk, (1) WPW10701462 harns-wire; ordrng 1 EXTRATIME and 1 W10700720 (BURNR-OVEN) and 1 W10860916 (MODULE-SPK) and 1 WPW10701462 (HARNS-WIRE)"
Near Long Branch, NJ 07740
Eric P.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW94HEXW2 "Ep-unit has a repeat of the F8E2(dispenser system error). Preordering (1) WPW10352973 switch-dis, (1) W10427967 control unit-central,(1) 2nd man, (3) extra time. Unit is stacked in a corner with cabinets on left and window on right; ordrng 1 2NDMAN and 3 EXTRATIMEs and 1 W10427967 (CONTROL UNIT-CENTRAL) and 1 WPW10352973 (SWITCH-DIS)"
Near Little Silver, NJ 07739
Eric P.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WGD7300DW "Ep-short cycle, ohmed coil valves-secondary coil was well over. Replaced coil valves, confirmed unit and interior duct is clear. Adjusted dryness level from 2 to 3. Advised contacting the service provider who cleaned duct work"
Near Oceanport, NJ 07757
Eric P.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KFIV29PCMS03 "Ep-unit has multiple issues that will impact cooling and ice production. Faulty pantry U/I, mullion that doesnt close properly and bad freezer door( gasket falls out of expanded liner gap-currently i taped it in place). Ordering (1) W11199439 cntrl-elec, (1) LW10564038 SERVICE-FZDW,29,SS,XXL FIP, (1) W10407216 GASKET-DOOR,AP,FZDW, (1) W10849525 rail-mulln; ordrng 1 LW10564038 (SERVICE-FZDW,29,SS,XXL FIP) and 1 W10407216 (GASKET-DOOR,AP,FZDW) and 1 W10849525 (RAIL-MULLN) and 1 W11199439 (CNTRL-ELEC)"
Near Tinton Falls, NJ 07724
Eric P.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WGD6620HW0 "Ep-plugged unit in( off for 5 days), powered right up. Checked for error codes-F3E3(Inlet Thermistor Open/Shor ted)performed test#4-thermistor ohmed correctly. Tested voltage and polarity at outlet-good. Continuity in power cord"
Near New York, NY 10028
Clem S.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
REF BOT/MT 19CF WHIRLPOOL WRF560SMYW "Replaced parts ,test okay"
Near New York, NY 10024
Clem S.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
REFRIGERATOR JENN-AIR JFC2290REP00 "Def mullion ,order part ; ordrng 1 W11177238 (MULLION )"
Near New York, NY 10023
Clem S.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
REFRIG/FREEZER JENN AIR JF36NXFXDE01 "Wrong part in home ,reorder part ; ordrng 1 W10782236 (dor-fip)"
Near Brooklyn, NY 11214
Paul D
Job Details: 06/26/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT311FZDW01 Checked unit found drain line cleared raised front of ref .tested ok
Near New York, NY 10022
Clem S.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL DDDDCCV "Defective thermal fuse and loose connection to motor ,order part . Test okay ; used 1 3390719 (thermal fuse) from stock"
Near Brooklyn, NY 11220
Wayne D
Job Details: 06/26/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL MRT118FFFH01 Instruct customer on food storage and keeping food away from supply vent
Near Queens, NY 11691
Paul T
Job Details: 06/26/2019
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KUDS30IVSS3 "Checked over unit, found console not responding properly when try to activate, also sump motor and pump weak and not pushing water through properly, will order; ordrng 1 WPW10250018 (CONSOLE SS) and 1 WPW10348269 (PUMP) and 1 WPW10780877 (SUMP MOTOR)"
Near Brooklyn, NY 11219
Wayne D
Job Details: 06/26/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF535SMBM00 Customer will callback to order parts when readyParts: door latch: w10918008Door closure: wp12028505apShelf: w10830307Left side stainless door: 13107881sq
Near Brooklyn, NY 11238
Wayne D
Job Details: 06/26/2019
REFRIG/FREEZER JENN-AIR JFC2290REM00 checked unit and functions; all ok; Instruct cust on humidity control ; Job Cmpltd
Near Brooklyn, NY 11234
Wayne D
Job Details: 06/26/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT311FZDW00 Installed EVAP fan motor; used 1 WP2315539 () from stock
Near Brooklyn, NY 11234
Wayne D
Job Details: 06/26/2019
Near Brooklyn, NY 11223
Wayne D
Job Details: 06/26/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF560SEYM01 Replaced right side door
Near Manchester Township, NJ 08759
Frank C
Job Details: 06/26/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KFIS29BBMS02 Needs crisper UI; ordrng 1 WPW10732682 (UI )
Near Queens, NY 11691
Peter B.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
DRYER MAYTAG MGD6630HC0 Need additional parts order by GT;
Near Queens, NY 11415
Peter B.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW1 Check over found washing out sequence recalibrate tested functions fine no leaks found .loads are unbalanced
Near Queens, NY 11419
Peter B.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW9150WW01 Check unit remove kit plate found water on base ran unit can verify complaints ordering suspect parts listed ; ordrng 1 W11032829 (clamp) and 1 WP285655 (clamp) and 1 WP8540108 (clamp) and 1 WPW10381562 (bellow) and 1 WPW10730972 (pump-water)
Near Queens, NY 11102
Peter B.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW2 "Check unit found out of sequencing recalibrate tested functions fine,water supply is very low take a very long time to fill."
Near Princeton, NJ 08540
Trevor B
Job Details: 06/26/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW92HEFC0 TB- Replaced faulty pressure sensor. Performed diagnostics. Tests good.; used 1 W10448876 (PRESSURE SENSOR) from stock
Near West Windsor Township, NJ 08550
Trevor B
Job Details: 06/26/2019
OVEN WHIRLPOOL WOS51EC0HS01 "TB- Installed new blower fan and appliance manager. Previous issue corrected. During repair, light socket was damaged. Needs replacement light socket.; ordrng 1 WPW10734063 (LIGHT SOCKET )"
Near Princeton, NJ 08540
Trevor B
Job Details: 06/26/2019
REFRIG/FREEZER WHIRLPOOL WRS965CIAH00 TB- Unit not able to maintain correct freezer temperatures because freezer door was not closing correctly. Customer had removed freezer shelfs for cleaning and did not put middle storage drawer back in correct spot. This was keeping freezer door open aprrox. 1/2”. Unit running with door constantly ajar. Replaced shelving in correct place and now freezer door is working as designed. No other issues found at this time. Paid service charge $122.57 by check# 186.
Near South Brunswick Township, NJ 08852
Trevor B
Job Details: 06/26/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWX655DW1 TB- Installed new basket drive hub. Tests good.; used 1 W10528947 (HUB) from stock
Near East Windsor, NJ 08520
Trevor B
Job Details: 06/26/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT311SFYT01 TB- Repositioned thermostat bulb to correct position. Adjusted temperature setting. Advised customer to keep supply and return air ways clear for proper circulation. No other issues found at this time. Paid service charge $122.57 by cc ref#
Near Jersey City, NJ 07307
Lewis G.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL MHW5630HW0 HELPER: Replaced Bellow assembly drain pump assembly and pressure switch.... unit is repaired
Near Jersey City, NJ 07304
Lewis G.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT311FZDT01 Unit has ice build up by the freezer evaporator fan causing the refrigeration compartment not to cool properly / freezer compartment completely full of food blocking Air passage to go into the refrigeration compartment../ . customer had also removed foam insulation from the refrigeration compartment up on top.... please review all pictures / advise customer not to block the air passage from the freezer compartment which would cause a lot of the ice build up for the cold air to go into the refrigeration compartment advise to defrost for 24 hours which should resolve the problem and not to overpack food in freezer compartment... previous technician was there last week to replace an evaporator fan but the issue is overloading on food in the freezer compartment....
Near Jersey City, NJ 07304
Lewis G.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
DRYER GAS WHIRLPOOL WGD85HEFC Customer was complaining the new unit was not heating up at all....diagnosing the unit was in a basement they had a water hose connected to the black pipe gas line and the other end of the water hose was connected and taped to the gas valve that goes into the machine / took pictures of the set up they had advised customer that needs a gas line connected to the black pipe in the house then onto the pipe that connects to The gas line on the dryer / explained that this was extremely dangerous made sure gas was off from the pipes and let the customer know to get a plumber to have this hooked up properly.. customer was trying to use the dryer with this set up and strongly advised him not to do it until this is corrected very dangerous hazard... called tech-support to advise of the situation with this customer. SR# SR# 7725189158...
Near North Bergen, NJ 07047
Lewis G.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
WSH FRT/LOAD WHIRLPOOL WFW75HEFW0 Door lock was stuck in the closed position put into diagnostic mode received several error codes was able to unlock unit when in diagnostic mode testing unit.... The issue was originally that the customer had the control lock child lock feature on so nothing would work customer education unit is repaired
Near Jersey City, NJ 07305
Lewis G.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW4950HW1 Customer stating when the washing machine goes into high span the top top ring is scraping against the top cover assembly tub assembly seems extremely high on unit...; ordrng 1 W11043544 (TUB RING) and 1 W11159470 (DAMPER ASSY..SET OF (4) )
Near Queens, NY 11692
Paul T
Job Details: 06/26/2019
REFRIG/FREEZER WHIRLPOOL WFG505M0BS0 "Installed all parts on u it, tested with customer and all test and check ok."
Near Queens, NY 11691
Paul T
Job Details: 06/26/2019
DRYER MAYTAG MGD6630HC0 "917-374-4834 put unit inot diagnostic and founs error codes for inlet thermistor and acu issue, tried all connections and rest control but no good, error codes came back.; ordrng 1 W10623852 (THERMISTOR ) and 1 W11350218 (ACU) and 1 WP8577274 (THERMISTOR )"
Near Chester, NJ 07930
Stan F
Job Details: 06/26/2019
KITCHEN WHIRLPOOL KMBP100ESS01 I’m the helper on this call need a fuse also to complete call.; used 1 W10138793 (FUSE THERMAL) from stock
Near Tenafly, NJ 07670
Eric S.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
Near Asbury, NJ 08802
Stan F
Job Details: 06/26/2019
MICROWAVE JENN-AIR JMW2430DB00 Customer said oven came on by itself and microwave light on panel come on by it self will control boards and control panel.; ordrng 1 W11179310 (OVEN CONTROL ) and 1 W11236896 (BLACK PANEL.) and 1 WPW10260060 (CONTROL BOARD )
Near Dumont, NJ 07628
Eric S.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
Near Hackettstown, NJ 07840
Stan F
Job Details: 06/26/2019
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WEG745HOFS0 Found vent grill crack .; ordrng 1 W10294855 (VENT GRILL BLACK)
Near Westwood, NJ 07675
Eric S.
Job Details: 06/26/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW6620HW0 Tested unit it working as designed advised customer on operation
Near Stockton, NJ 08559
Omar S
Job Details: 06/26/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB965HC0 "No leak found coming from gearcase,replace water valve test ok..."
Near Irvington, NJ 07111
Jesse F
Job Details: 06/26/2019
REFRIG/FREEZER WHIRLPOOL WRS312SNHM01 All operations o.k. Adjusted temperature controls...
Near Hillsborough Township, NJ 08844
Moses D
Job Details: 06/26/2019
D/WASHER UNDCTR JENN-AIR JDB3600AWP5 Made checks has errors 9-1 4-1 1-1. Ordering parts pertaining to these codes.; ordrng 1 WP8579262 (TUBE) and 1 WPW10234567 (PUMP&MOTOR ) and 1 WPW10275464 (CNTRL PANEL) and 1 WPW10285178 (CNTRL ELEC) and 1 WPW10348269 (DRAIN PUMP)