Dryer Repair

Quick Fixes for an LG Dryer Not Heating

LG is known for making hard-wearing and reliable appliances, but even the most reliable dryer can experience issues. If your dryer isn’t heating properly and your clothes aren’t drying, don’t despair and call in a technician! You can try a few quick fixes that will get your dryer up and running again in no time. 

This guide applies to all popular models of LG dryers, including:






















Check your dryer settings

This might sound too obvious, but it’s one of the most common causes of a dryer that isn’t heating! Modern dryers have multiple settings, and if you’ve accidentally set your LG dryer to a low heat or no heat setting, it won’t be able to dry your heavier loads correctly. 

While a low heat setting may be sufficient for drying delicates, it won’t do the job when it comes to drying towels, sheets, or heavy items. Check the settings and ensure it’s on a mid or high setting and that you don’t accidentally have it on a delicate or air-dry setting. You can check your user manual to find the full list of different cycles and the temperatures they run at—this will differ depending on the model of LG dryer that you own. 

Check lint filter

The lint filter’s job is to trap excess lint that comes off your clothes during the drying cycle, but it also has another important role—it helps allow air circulation inside your dryer. If it’s blocked, your dryer won’t be able to properly circulate air, which can affect the heating and drying of your clothes. 

To fix this:

  • Locate the lint filter and remove it from its housing. In many models, it’s located inside the drum, but check your manual to find the exact location for your model. 
  • Clean away the lint buildup by hand—you can use a soft brush to remove any build-up in hard-to-reach areas. 
  • Make sure you also remove any lint buildup from the filter housing. 
  • Return the lint filter to its place and run a cycle to check if your dryer is now working properly. 

Clean the vent line

Just like with the lint filter, if the vent line is clogged, it can affect air circulation and heating in your dryer. To fix this issue, you’ll need to check the vent line and clear out any lint that might be blocking it. Here’s how to do it:

  • Turn off your dryer and pull it away from the wall to access the back. 
  • Disconnect the vent line from the wall of your house and the back of the dryer. 
  • Clean the cavity where the vent line attaches to the back of the dryer
  • Use a vacuum to clean out any lint from your dryer. If there is lint you can’t reach, use either a dedicated vent brush to clean it out or a length of wire. 
  • Replace the vent line and turn your dryer back on. Run a test cycle to ensure your clothes are now drying properly. 

Clean the moisture sensor

Many models of LG dryers come with moisture sensors. These are great for saving money and increasing energy efficiency, as the sensors turn off your dryer once they detect that your clothes are dry. However, if the sensors are faulty, your LG dryer might be incorrectly sensing that the laundry is dry when it isn’t, which will affect heating. 

One of the most common causes of a faulty sensor is product build-up on the sensor bars, which prevents them from correctly sensing water. Dryer sheets, fabric softeners, or even continuous use can coat the sensors in residue, making them ineffective. Here’s how to clean them:

  • Locate the moisture sensors. In most models, they’re located near the lint filter, but you can consult your LG manual if you’re not certain where yours are. They look like two metal rods. 
  • Check the sensors for any residue or grease. 
  • Clean the residue from the sensors. The best method is to use rubbing alcohol and a soft cloth or rag. Carefully wipe the sensors until clean, then thoroughly dry and polish with a clean cloth. 
  • Once the sensors are clean, run a test cycle to ensure they’re working correctly. They should now be able to sense the correct moisture level, and your dryer will use the right amount of heat. 

Ensure optimal loading

Incorrect loading can affect your dryer’s heating, as it can prevent proper heat circulation in the drum. Some of our top tips to ensure even heating include:

  • Dry similar items together: Heavy items should be dried with other heavy items and vice versa. This prevents delicate items from being smothered by large items like sheets, which can prevent proper drying. 
  • Don’t overload: Too big of a load can stop hot air from properly circulating inside your dryer, meaning the clothes won’t dry properly or may only dry in patches. 
  • Try using dryer balls: Dryer balls help to aerate your laundry, and they allow air to circulate. This allows heat to be evenly distributed throughout your laundry and allows your clothes to dry quickly. They have even been shown to reduce drying time significantly, so this can save on your electric bill!

Seek professional help

If none of the quick fixes listed above help, you may need to look for professional assistance. Your dryer may have a problem with the heating element or the control board, both of which require electrical work. If you’re confident with electrical DIY, you can explore these options, but otherwise, we recommend a licensed technician.


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